RELAX INTO YOUR BODY FOR BETTER SEXHave you ever been having sex with someone and found your mind wandering? “Shoot! I didn’t finish that email I was supposed to send!” or…Mar 4, 2022Mar 4, 2022
PLEASE BE HONEST… HOW MUCH DOES SIZE MATTER?In today’s Ask The Sexpert, we tackle the age old question, “Does penis size really matter?”Mar 4, 2022Mar 4, 2022
9 KINDS OF SEX ALL MARRIED WOMEN NEEDMarriage is a special bond, and living with someone almost 24/7 can really change your sex life. Much has been said about the bad side of…Mar 4, 2022Mar 4, 2022
HOW TO CRAFT YOUR IDEAL SEX LIFEOne of the biggest issues I see on my couch are people who are dissatisfied with their sex lives. There is a disconnect between what they…Mar 4, 2022Mar 4, 2022
HOW DO I GET MY PARTNER TO INITIATE SEX MORE OFTEN?This is one of a handful of questions that I get asked on a weekly basis that makes me internally cringe.Mar 4, 2022Mar 4, 2022
ARE INSECURITIES RUINING YOUR SEX LIFE?If you’re reading this in your underwear, do me a favor. Put on some clothes.Mar 4, 2022Mar 4, 2022
WHAT TO DO WHEN YOUR PARTNER STOPS TRYINGPulling dead weight is exhausting. Hopefully you’ve never had to move a real dead body. But maybe you remember the last time your toddler…Feb 24, 2022Feb 24, 2022